
Precautionary Inspection Check of SKYLOTEC Via Ferrata Sets

Neuwied 29 May 2018 – The brand SKYLOTEC stands for the highest safety in industry and mountain sport and guarantees this through high standards and regular internal tests. In the critical area of via ferrata sets in particular, we aim to offer the “safest via ferrata set on the market” since we launched the “RIDER” and our quality controls at SKYLOTEC are accordingly stringent. During the routine quality check of the last batch of the SKYSAFE carabiner, we noticed that its break values are scattered, even though the hardness tests exhibited no deviations. During an enhanced sampling, erratic values were even determined in a range that is no longer standard-compliant/safety-relevant.

The cause for this has now been identified and is due to the hardening process of the steel body. Since SKYLOTEC cannot fully rule out that older batches are affected by the quality defect based on the erratic values identified, company management has decided to collect all SKYSAFE carabiners from the market for an internal inspection. These are precautionary measures so that we can fulfil our claim of meeting the highest safety and quality standards.

We will use a new method from aerospace technology for the inspections, which allows SKYLOTEC to test and unambiguously evaluate every carabiner in a non-destructive manner.

SKYLOTEC’s innovative energy absorber according to EN958:2017 has been further upgraded and its response behavior has been enhanced. SKYLOTEC will replace the energy absorber as an additional service for the below sets, which have an older version of the energy absorber according to EN958:2017. These can be identified by the striped climbing sling, which is green and white or orange and white. Relevant sets: L-0674 and L-0675.

End customers, dealers, professional users and rental stations are therefore requested to send their via ferrata sets to SKYLOTEC for inspection and any necessary replacement. A corresponding return form can be found on SKYLOTEC’s homepage for those who need it. The via ferrata sets will be returned inspected and in a technically flawless state within a maximum of circa 10 business days.

SKYLOTEC apologises for these circumstances and thanks you for your understanding and cooperation.

We shall abide by the promise to provide the safest via ferrata sets on the market!

You can find additional information about returning the sets here.

SKYLOTEC will check the carabiners for the following products:

RIDER 3.0 / item number L-0672 RIDER 3.0 / item number L-0612 SKYRIDER / item number L-0039
Klettersteigset RIDER 3.0


SKYSAFE III / item number L-0673 SKYSAFE II / item number L-0156 SKYSAFE / item number L-0056


SKYLOTEC will upgrade the energy absorbing lanyards for the following products:

SKYSAFE SAM / item number L-0674 SKYSAFE DURO / item number L-0675
Kinderversion SKYSAFE SAM Klettersteigset SKYSAFE DURO

We are always happy to help if you have any questions or need additional information.

+49 (0) 2631 – 9680 – 565
+49 (0) 2631 – 9680 – 718

[email protected]

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